Monday, August 16, 2010

The last time I blogged we were painting... we are still painting! Finally last week I broke down and went searching for someone we could pay to finish the job, and I did! I am so glad too, cause it's almost done and this weekend we were able to take on a new project, changing the columns on the car port and porch. So this past weekend we started out by taking down the old lattice between the columns, took off the fascia and shingles covering the columns and structure that supports the roof to the car port. Of course this little project could not go without a hitch, and this time it was rot... and a lot of it. So we had to rebuild the entire structure, everything except the roof. It was a major undertaking, stressful and exhausting, but everybody worked really hard the entire weekend and now it looks so pretty! We built a railing between the columns and are still going to dress them up with trim and all that jazz, when we are done with it, it will look right out of a magazine... ha!
The exterior is slowly coming along, it's been a super hot summer so it's a real challenge working outside, but even so, our GC is a total trooper and has re glazed several of the windows, including the front ones, and now the front of the house looks really beautiful! We get compliments all the time from passers by... we are so proud!
We also had a little get together for Max's birthday, so we rushed to hang some art on the walls and make it a little more cozy in here. It really feels like home now!

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