Monday, May 24, 2010

After we did the floors we took it easy for a while, you could say we are a little bit burnt out from all this remodeling, but as we were leaving for a weekend trip to Effingham Illinois, right after doing the last coat of varnish on the floors we opened a letter from the city of Roeland Park that said: bla bla bla "you have 60 days to paint your house"... so that made it quite clear, our next big project to dive into would be painting the exterior.
It's been 3 weekends of scraping, priming and picking out paint. You'd never know we've put in as many hours as we have, there is still so much to do. And we've even had help! But we finally found our color, and we are making way with the scraping and priming, so hopefully 1 o 2 more weekends and it will look completely different!
Right now it's a bit of an eye sore... but our neighbors should be used to that... it's looked ugly for many years, a few more weeks should be just fine.

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