Monday, March 22, 2010

We finally have counter tops! We've been anxiously waiting for the day when we'd put in our beloved counter tops, and the day finally arrived yesterday! They gave us some trouble because they were bowed from sitting around the house too long (absorbing moisture) but our GC concocted a contraption that slowly straightened them back to flat and then, someone, we can't decide who, came up with a brilliant idea to anchor them securely to the cabinets so they won't bow back. Well it all worked, and now the kitchen looks so great! We still have to put the sink in and all the trim to make it look really really nice, but we definitely conquered the dreaded challenge of the counter tops, and we are super happy! It was a good weekend.


  1. Is the back door the one from the basement? Or did you guys buy a new one?

  2. We bought a new door, And finally gt the basement one open!
