Friday, March 19, 2010

Big steps!

It's starting to look like we are close to being done. The tile in the kitchen looks awesome and every time I walk into the house I get excited and still can't believe it's all there, grouted, buffed out and totally great to walk on! The cabinets are in and the top doors too, the counter tops are going in this weekend and it should be fun cause I'm sure we will find it's not quite as simple as they make it look on HGTV... We have to make sure ours are not going to bow back like they were before we braced them, so we'll have to screw in a few iron brackets, and build up the low wall so they will sit at the right height... fun fun fun!
Two days ago we finished purchasing the remaining appliances! We have new and amazing front loaders (washer and dryer) in the basement, and a super sweet dishwasher (we decided that the one we "acquired" was not going to cut it next to the very new fridge and stove... so we bought a new stainless steel one! And we also finally got the hood we had been going back and forth on... It's all there waiting to be installed and broken in! We also picked out all the moldings for the kitchen and the bedroom, so we are almost done spending money!
The bathroom is almost done, we bought curtain rods and painted the walls, installed the doors on the built in cabinet, grouted and cleaned the tile, and caulked EVERYTHING! We are only missing the mirror for the medicine cabinet which we are in no rush to get, and I'm also waiting to find the perfect shower curtain, any good places to look?
So the bathroom is almost done, and this weekend we'll probably finish the bedroom (prime ceiling, paint walls, put up crown and fix closet hole...).
So all that will be left is finishing he kitchen, and THOROUGHLY cleaning the entire house before we can move in!

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