Monday, January 25, 2010


All our hours of hard work paid off yesterday when we very nervously turned on the water main to our house... first the cold water. We heard it rushing in and quickly followed the pipe line walking through the basement pointing our flashlights up, carefully scrutinizing each and every soldered joint... NO LEAKS! But wait! We heard water rushing out of the tub faucet, ah!!! the handles were put in the wrong way! But the crisis was quickly averted, we just turned it off, no mayor damage, just a bit of water accumulation in the not yet sealed sewer lines, oops! But it was good! No leaks! one down, one to go. Then the hot water... NO LEAKS!
Before that moment I really never thought I could get so excited about anything related to plumbing, but just knowing that we did everything right, in the first try, I was beside myself! After a few minutes we did find a couple very very slow leaks, but I'm happy to say, they were all easy fixes, some valves just needed a bit more tightening.
I had nightmares about every single spot I'd soldered bursting and water spraying every corner of the basement... my biggest worry was that everyone would know which ones I did, the ones that leaked! But all my worries have subsided, and now I feel pretty good about my new skill set... Dan says i might be getting too confident! pshh!
But for the sake of full disclosure I will confess I burnt a cable while soldering a very tricky spot last week... and I panicked and called Max who had no help to offer... and then Dan who calmed me down and then came to fix my mess... so I don't think I'm quite ready to graduate.
This week... more electrical stuff.

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