Wednesday, September 2, 2009

3 day countdown!

In 3 days we close on our first house! The process has been a learning experience to say the least... but a good one I think.
We looked for months, we must have seen a hundred houses and called every single real estate agent in Kansas City. Finally we found the perfect little house a few weeks ago. It needs a little love, some paint, some yard work, new appliances. Some things will have to come out... carpet... or down... wall paper... maybe even a wall or too if Max makes a good case. And all this will be executed by my sweet husband and I with the direction of our very experienced GC (a.k.a Dad/Dan). It's so exciting I can hardly contain myself! The past few weeks have been a continuous HGTV session, filled with enlightening tidbits. There are sketches and paint swatches and material samples waiting to be unleashed!

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