Friday, November 13, 2009

Much progress has been made! Specially by our G.C... he's been working really really hard, I think he wants us moving in soon...ha!
The last few events have been huge. We bought kitchen cabinets, and have already primed them, they are going to be painted white, so the final thing is going to look very close to how they do now, except smoother and with sweet hardware! We were a totally efficient assembly line during the whole priming process, and we had extra help! So while the girls painted they boys did some slightly dirtier and smellier work. They took out our toilet and sewer line and it got cleaned this week... so we have no toilet yet, but we have a cleaner exit for all that stuff... PU.
Today we had another dumpster brought to the house and the task for the next couple days is to fill it up with all the trash we've been creating for the last month or so. Should be a blast! However, the hard part, which was taking the big pipe upstairs and putting it in the dumpster was mysteriously taken care of this afternoon... so I guess we are going to the movies instead! yay!
Another huge thing is that we have 200amps of power, fully working and even light fixtures in the dinning room and kitchen! It was an emotional achievement... and a super nice surprise, in Max's own words "these are the most beautiful f-ing-ugly light fixtures I've ever seen in my life".

So we have light, and we have cabinets to sand and paint, and our walls and ceiling are primed, and we have a sub floor in the kitchen ready to be tiled, and the flat roof over the bump out upstairs has been redone... we are moving along!

Monday, October 26, 2009

We have walls again! A good friend gave us a wonderful wedding gift... a crew of expert sheet rockers, who did a wonderful job, and now our kitchen and ceilings look so great! We also had an electrician come in and and finish the job, as it turns out our G.C. did a splendid job getting it all ready for him and after a good day's work they finished the electrical work and turned our power back on! It's all coming along so great! The walls in the bedroom are primed and the ceiling is patched, ready for primer, the rough plumbing in the kitchen is done, the vent that used to be in the closet wall we took out is now in the low wall for the breakfast bar and it is working... slowly we are transforming this little house into an awesome home!
We've bought our really nice fridge and stove, and we're still holding off for the dishwasher, because we might e able to save one we "aquired"... we'll see.
Today we had the gas turned on and we have heat! fortunately we got the furnace going and it works pretty well. We'll have to fix the water heater tho... but I hear from a reliable source it's not a big deal... so we're not too worried about it.
Another big thing is that today we got our super sweet government stimulus for first time home buyers, and we are so excited! we can't wait to get started with spending it! We already saw the tile we'd like for the back splash and we have a good idea of what the counter tops and floor tile will be... next step (one of many) buying and painting kitchen cabinets!

Monday, October 12, 2009

I must be the worst blogger on the web... oh well!
Much progress has been made, the electrical is underway, after a very brave kick off by our talented GC, we have no power and we are making our way towards a super nice lighting job in the kitchen, and a new and improved 200 amp service, so exciting!
The downstairs bedroom is ready to be primed, we scraped the peeling paint off the windows, washed the walls, mudded and sanded the gouges on the walls and the patch covering the old closet door.
The ceilings in the dinning room and living room are much better looking now that we've knocked off the popcorn finish... however I must admit we got a little over zealous and now we have to cover the dinning room ceiling with sheet rock...but it will look so nice!
We had to take out the hardwoods in the kitchen and another wall down to the studs for technical purposes, it's looking more and more like a tiny barn in there, i love it!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

This weekend we finished with most of the destruction... another wall came down, a couple of funky looking arches and a little built in bookshelf in the corner was semi-demoed. The layout for the kitchen is figured out, and we have a clear plan of what's going where and where we are buying all this stuff... and HOW.... ha! We laid out in blue tape where our appliances and cabinets will be, and we got the back wall down to the studs (only on the inside) to be cut out for a new door to the backyard. We also started to plan the layout for the master bathroom we want to build in the unfinished attic space, but that won't be taking place for a long time... maybe next summer.
Our GC is finally back, so now we are feeling less uncertain about the sequence of steps to come.
But the really cool thing about this last weekend's work was all the help we had! We filled up an entire dumpster with all the stuff we cleared out of the garage, garden shed and the attic. There were remains of old kitchen cabinets and tons of cement chunks that we scrapped from the basement and kitchen walls, wall paper, tile, wood, old carpet, screens, AC ducts, etc etc, etc. And our GC cleaned out a lot of our electrical system...It's all moving along! Thank you guys!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Every muscle hurts!

It is officially our 5th day as proud owners of a house! It was the longest long weekend in our lives. It all started last Friday around noon. We showed up at the bank, signed like a thousand pieces of paper and finally we were handed a blue flower key chain with 3 sets of keys to our new house! We immediately drove to our GC's house to show off our new keys and pick up a few tools he had already lined up for us. After that we made a short pit stop to charge our batteries for the intense work that was about to begin...
It was so exciting to see it again, this time everything had been cleared out, there were no more little trinkets and no more P.U. refrigerator... it was completely empty and ours!
As soon as we went in, I had not even finished taking it all in when Max was on his knees ripping up the carpet.... it had begun!
We took out the carpet in the living room, dinning room, and the stairs all in about an hour (have I mentioned it's a small house?). We were feeling accomplished and so incredibly pleased; the hardwood floors under that carpet are in great shape! they already look pretty nice, and we haven't even finished them yet.
Day number 1 was a success. Ending with some sparkling and BBQ sandwiches to celebrate with friends and family. It was really great!
Day number 2 was super intense, we started demoing the kitchen, everything fro the vinyl floors, top cabinets and even a small wall (opening one of the closets in the 1s floor bedroom into the kitchen). We also finished taking out thousands of staples and all the spiky tack boards from the floor.
Day 3.. more DEMO! Mostly scraping wall paper and vinyl floors. More sore muscles....
Day 4. Side porch... gone! Most demo in the kitchen is done and we did a major clearing of debris, which is now all "neatly" piled in the garage, and the garden shed (which is also kicking the bucket soon btw).
It's been hard work so far, but very rewarding! It's brought it's share of nicks and bruises, and plenty of sore muscles. But the week should be lighter, we're allocating a couple hours a day during the week and full days in the weekend... let's get this kitchen done!
Today, we demo the sink and bottom cabinets in the kitchen (after we find the stinking water valve to shut off! Where are you hiding!?)

Photo documentation!

Click for Our Photos!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

3 day countdown!

In 3 days we close on our first house! The process has been a learning experience to say the least... but a good one I think.
We looked for months, we must have seen a hundred houses and called every single real estate agent in Kansas City. Finally we found the perfect little house a few weeks ago. It needs a little love, some paint, some yard work, new appliances. Some things will have to come out... carpet... or down... wall paper... maybe even a wall or too if Max makes a good case. And all this will be executed by my sweet husband and I with the direction of our very experienced GC (a.k.a Dad/Dan). It's so exciting I can hardly contain myself! The past few weeks have been a continuous HGTV session, filled with enlightening tidbits. There are sketches and paint swatches and material samples waiting to be unleashed!